Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19):

Information, Materials and Services for Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Industries

Current COVID-19 Updates

Video: Recomendaciones para las trabajadores agricolas - April 10, 2020

Aprenda sobre el COVID-19 y las precauciones hay que tomar, ambos en la casa y en el trabajo. Video desarrollado por trabajadores agrícolas. Audio en español, subtítulos en inglés. 
This video was developed for Spanish-speaking agricultural workers to learn about COVID-19 and the precautions that you should take, both at home and at work, based on CDC recommendations. Audio in Spanish, subtitles in English.Presented by NYCAMH bilingual educator Anna Meyerhoff, Libby Eiholzer of CCE NWNY and Lisa Ford of Cayuga Marketing.

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