Farm Safety Articles

Safety and health articles written by NYCAMH educators for various publications are available online.
Topics include:
Chemicals & Pesticides
- Is Your Farm in Compliance with the Hazard Communication Standard?
- Personal Protective Equipment: Work Safely With Pesticides
- Pesticide Poisonings and Heat Illness
- Reducing Take-Home Pesticide Exposures
- Safe Use & Handling of Formaldehyde for Footbaths
- The OSHA Hazard Communication-GHS Training
- The Worker Protection Standard: Protecting Workers from Pesticide Exposures
Electrical Safety
Emergency Preparedness & Prevention
- Calling 911 for Help in An Emergency Situation
- CPR and AEDs Save Lives
- Does Your Farm Have An Emergency Plan?
- First Aid Kits Are Vital
- First Response to Farm Emergencies
- In An Emergency, Call 911!
- Know How to Use Fire extinguishers
- NYCAMH’s Farm Emergency Response Program
- NYCAMH’s Farm Emergency Response Program
- Preventing Fires on Your Farm
Farm Partners/Stress
Farm Safety Management
- 2011 Safety Trainings
- Bianchi-Davis Greenhouses, Inc. Wins New York State Agricultural Society Farm Safety Award
- Harvest Safety
- How Good is Your Safety Plan?
- Make Farm Safety Your New Year’s Resolution
- Make Time for On-Farm Safety Training
- Plan for a Safe Growing Season in 2007
- Spring into Safety!
- Worker’s Compensation Rate Discounts Available Through the NYS Department of Labor
- Workers Memorial Day April 2010
General Farm Safety
Health & Hygiene
- Announcing the New NYCAMH Mobile Occupational Health Clinic
- Flu Safety
- Migrant Occupational Health and Safety
- Personal Hygiene and Field Sanitation
- Prevent Back Injuries with Proper Lifting Techniques
- Protect Yourself From West Nile Virus Infections
- The Dangers of Giant Hogweed
- The Spread of Infections from Animals to Humans
- Ticks and Lyme Disease
- Watch Out For Ticks This Fall!
- Watch Out for Wild Parsnip
Heat & Cold Illnesses and Injuries
Manure, Silo & Confined Spaces
Orchard, Vegetable, Harvest & Packing House
- Dust and Respiratory Issues in Winter
- Eye Safety Tips for Farmworkers
- How Do I Know If Farm Noise Is Too Loud?
- Personal Protective Equipment: Work Safely With Pesticides
- Prevent Injuries to Your Eyes
- Reducing Farming Foot Injuries and Illnesses
- Respiratory Protection and On-Farm Fit Testing for Agricultural Workers
Roadway Safety
Spanish Articles/Artículos en español
- Cómo lavarse la ropa contaminada de manera segura
- Consejos de seguridad para el frÃo de invierno
- Consejos de seguridad para los ojos de los trabajadores
- Diez consejos para evitar patadas en la sala de ordeño
- En una emergencia, ¡llame al 911!
- ¡Gánele al calor!
- Las garrapatas y la enfermedad de Lyme
- Precauciones con la influenza
- Tenga cuidado con el formaldehÃdo
- Trabaje con seguridad con la escalera de huerta
- Avoiding High Pressure Injection Injuries from Hydraulic Lines
- Compressed Air Hazards
- Conduct a Good Pre-Operational Check of Your Equipment
- Farmers Must Stop Accepting Risks
- Forklift Safety Facts
- Prepare to Repair
- Preventing Serious Injury or Death From Tractor Overturns
- Roll Over Protective Structures Saves Lives
- Rotating Machinery and Power Take-Off Shafts Are Deadly!
- Safe Tractor Starting Procedures
- Use Your Front-End Loader Safely When Moving Large Bales
- Use Your Skid-Steer Loader Safely