Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19):

Information, Materials and Services for Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Industries

Current COVID-19 Updates

Help Available for Completing Business Safety Plans Required of all NY Farms - June 9, 2020

Webinar Series on Developing Safety Plans For Compliance and to Reduce Liability Risk | If your farm operation does not have a written safety plan (as is required of all businesses in New York State), get a jump on it by attending the upcoming Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development webinar that best matches your farm business type:

WEDNESDAY - Dairy, Livestock and Crops, 7:30 p.
THURSDAY- Fruit & Vegetables 12 p.m. and Retail (Farms), 7 p.m.

NEXT WEEK: Greenhouse, Landscaping, Ornamentals, Mon., 6/15 7 p.m. and Equine, Weds., 6/17, 7 p.m.

Find details and registration links here.

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