
WEBINAR: Stress Management Tools for Farmers Coping with the Added Uncertainties of Farming during the COVID-19 Crisis - May 11, 2020

A live webinar will be available for farmers and ranchers Tuesday, May 12, at 1 p.m. EDT titled "Behavioral Health Planning: A Key to Farming in the Era of COVID-19." Register for this free event at

ABOUT: COVID-19 adds new uncertainties to farming on top of a five-year or longer economic recession in most sectors of agriculture. Like so many things challenging farmers today—climate shifts, tariffs, and disease outbreaks in crops and livestock—COVID-19 is largely beyond the control of agricultural producers. Importantly, however, we can mostly control how we behave. 

Dr. Michael R. Rosmann, a farmer and psychologist at the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health at the University of Iowa, will talk about how to develop behavior plans, what the signs of physical and emotional distress are, daily ways to look out for one another while maintaining physical distance and other tools for coping. A question and comment period for listeners will be included.

Dr. Rossmann's life work has focused on understanding why people farm, what affects their behavioral health, and why suicide is unusually common among farmers. The upcoming Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network, funded by the Farm Bill, is largely based on work by Dr. Rosmann and his colleagues.

This AgriSafe event is sponsored by the Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety in Agriculture, Commercial Fishing and Forestry (NEC). Serving a twelve-state region from Maine through West Virginia, the Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety (NEC) promotes health and safety research, education, and prevention activities in the high-risk areas of farming, commercial fishing and logging. For more information specific to workplace health and safety concerns in these industries and how they relate to the coronavirus pandemic, go to:

WEBINAR: Behavioral Health Planning: A Key to Farming in the Era of COVID-Tuesday, May 12

At 1 pm EDT

FREE. Register at

Can't make it? A recording will be available at 

FOR: farmers, ranchers, agricultural workers, and anyone who serves the agricultural community

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